(not the formal name) of the COUNTRY in English. For example: CHINA is listed under "C" even though the formal name is People's Republic of China which would place it under the letter "P." I have listed BURMA by its original name rather than MYANMAR which is not recognized by the United States government. The information on this page is given in the following manner: NOC number (aka Abrams #), NAME OF COUNTRY in English followed by the 3 letter IOC abbreviation which is frequently from the French, not English. For more information about NOC's please visit the website of the International Olympic Committee. |
1 | Afghanistan | AFG |
2 | Albania | ALB |
3 | Algeria | ALG |
4 | American Samoa | ASA |
5 | Andorra | AND |
6 | Angola | ANG |
7 | Antigua & Barbuda | ANT |
8 | Argentina | ARG |
9 | Armenia | ARM |
10 | Aruba | ARU |
11 | Australia | AUS |
12 | Austria | AUT |
13 | Azerbaijan | AZE |
14 | Bahamas | BAH |
15 | Bahrain | BRN |
16 | Bangladesh | BGD |
17 | Barbados | BRB |
18 | Belarus | BLR |
19 | Belgium | BEL |
20 | Belize | BIZ |
21 | Benin | BEN |
22 | Bermuda | BER |
23 | Bhutan | BHU |
24 | Bolivia | BOL |
25 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (Formerly part of Yugoslavia) |
26 | Botswana | BOT |
27 | Brazil | BRA |
28 | British Virgin Islands | IVB |
29 | Brunei Darussalam | BRU |
30 | Bulgaria | BUL |
31 | Burkina Faso (Formerly Upper Volta) | BUR |
32 | Burma (also known as Myanmar) | MYA |
33 | Burundi | BDI |
34 | Cambodia | CAM |
35 | Cameroon | CMR |
36 | Canada | CAN |
37 | Cape Verde | CPV |
38 | Cayman Islands | CAY |
39 | Central African Republic | CAF |
40 | Chad | CHA |
41 | Chile | CHI |
42 | China (People's Republic of...) (also known as Red China) |
43 | China (Chinese Taipei / Taiwan) (also known as Nationalist China) |
44 | Colombia | COL |
45 | Comoros | COM |
46 | Congo | CGO |
47 | Congo (Democratic Republic of the....) (formerly known as Zaire) |
48 | Cook Islands | COK |
49 | Costa Rica | CRC |
50 | Croatia (formerly part of Yugoslavia) |
51 | Cuba | CUB |
52 | Cyprus | CYP |
53 | Czech Republic (formerly part of Czechoslovakia) |
54 | Denmark | Den |
55 | Djibouti | DJI |
56 | Dominica | DMA |
57 | Dominican Republic | DOM |
58 | Ecuador | ECU |
59 | Egypt | EGY |
60 | El Salvador | ESA |
61 | Equatorial Guinea | GEQ |
62 | Eritrea | ERI |
63 | Estonia | EST |
64 | Ethiopia | ETH |
65 | Federated States of Micronesia | FSA |
66 | Fiji | FIJ |
67 | Finland | FIN |
68 | France | FRA |
69 | Gabon | GAB |
70 | Gambia | GAM |
71 | Georgia | GEO |
72 | Germany | GER |
73 | Ghana | GHA |
74 | Great Britain | GBR |
75 | Greece | GRE |
76 | Grenada | GRN |
77 | Guam | GUM |
78 | Guatemala | GUA |
79 | Guinea | GUI |
80 | Guinea-Bissau | GBS |
81 | Guyana | GUY |
82 | Haiti | HAI |
83 | Honduras | HON |
84 | Hong Kong | HKG |
85 | Hungary | HUN |
86 | Iceland | ISL |
87 | India | IND |
88 | Indonesia | INA |
89 | Iran (Islamic Republic of...) | IRI |
90 | Iraq | IRQ |
91 | Ireland | IRL |
92 | Israel | ISR |
93 | Italy | ITA |
94 | Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) | CIV |
95 | Jamaica | JAM |
96 | Japan | JPN |
97 | Jordan | JOR |
98 | Kazakhstan | KAZ |
99 | Kenya | KEN |
100 | Kiribati | KIR |
101 | Korea (Democratic People's Republic of...) (also known as North Korea) |
102 | Korea (Republic of...) (also known as South Korea) |
103 | Kosovo | KOS |
104 | Kuwait | KUW |
105 | Kyrgyzstan | KGZ |
106 | Laos People's Democratic Republic | LAO |
107 | Latvia | LAT |
108 | Lebanon | LIB |
109 | Lesotho | LES |
110 | Liberia | LBR |
111 | Libya (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) | LBA |
112 | Liechtenstein | LIE |
113 | Lithuania | LTU |
114 | Luxembourg | LUX |
115 | **Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of...) (formerly part of Yugoslavia) |
116 | Madagascar | MAD |
117 | Malawi | MAW |
118 | Malaysia | MAS |
119 | Maldives | MDV |
120 | Mali | MLI |
121 | Malta | MLT |
122 | Marshall Islands | MHL |
123 | Mauritania | MTN |
124 | Mauritius | MRI |
125 | Mexico | MEX |
126 | Moldova (Republic of... ) | MDA |
127 | Monaco | MON |
128 | Mongolia | MGL |
129 | Montenegro (formerly part of Yugoslavia) |
130 | Morocco | MAR |
131 | Mozambique | MOZ |
132 | Namibia | NAM |
133 | Nauru | NRU |
134 | Nepal | NEP |
135 | Netherlands (Kingdom of the...) | NED |
136 | New Zealand | NZL |
137 | Nicaragua | NCA |
138 | Niger | NIG |
139 | Nigeria | NGR |
140 | Norway | NOR |
141 | Oman | OMA |
142 | Pakistan | PAK |
143 | Palau | PLW |
144 | Palestine | PLE |
145 | Panama | PAN |
146 | Papua New Guinea | PNG |
147 | Paraguay | PAR |
148 | Peru | PER |
149 | Philippines | PHI |
150 | Poland | POL |
151 | Portugal | POR |
152 | Puerto Rico | PUR |
153 | Qatar | QAT |
154 | Romania | ROU |
155 | Russia (Russian Federation) | RUS |
156 | Rwanda | RWA |
157 | St. Kitts and Nevis | SKN |
158 | St. Lucia | LCA |
159 | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | VIN |
160 | Samoa | SAM |
161 | San Marino | SMR |
162 | Sao Tome and Principe | STP |
163 | Saudia Arabia | KSA |
164 | Senegal | SEN |
165 | Serbia (formerly part of Yugoslavia) |
SRB (formerly SCG) |
166 | Seychelles | SEY |
167 | Sierra Leone | SLE |
168 | Singapore | SIN |
169 | Slovakia | SVK |
170 | Slovenia | SLO |
171 | Solomon Islands | SOL |
172 | Somalia | SOM |
173 | South Africa | RSA |
174 | South Sudan | ESP |
175 | Spain | SSD |
176 | Sri Lanka | SRI |
177 | Sudan | SUD |
178 | Suriname | SUR |
179 | Swaziland | SWZ |
180 | Sweden | SWE |
181 | Switzerland | SUI | 182 | Syria (Syrian Arab Republic) | SYR |
183 | Tajikistan | TJK |
184 | Tanzania (United Republic of...) | TAN |
185 | Thailand | THA |
186 | Timor-Leste | TLS |
187 | Togo | TOG |
188 | Tonga | TGA |
189 | Trinidad & Tobago | TRI |
190 | Tunisia | TUN |
191 | Turkey | TUR |
192 | Turkmenistan | TKM |
193 | Tuvalu | TUV |
194 | Uganda | UGA |
195 | Ukraine | UKR |
196 | United Arab Emirates | UAE |
197 | United States of America | USA |
198 | Uruguay | URU |
199 | Uzbekistan | UZB |
200 | Vanuatu | VAN |
201 | Venezuela | VEN |
202 | Vietnam | VIE |
203 | Virgin Islands (United States Virgin Islands) |
204 | Yemen | YEM |
205 | Zambia | ZAM |
206 | Zimbabwe | ZIM |
then you should to "cite" the information as follows: ~ Last name, First Name. Title of page. Date or latest update of page. Full URL address. Date you viewed the page. ~ So, you cite this page as follows: Abrams, Harvey. National Olympic Committee Directory, Page 2. January 20, 2016. http://www.iisoh.org/nocdirectorypage2.html Date that you viewed this page. Web pages change frequently -- and sometimes they disappear. I always put the original date that I created the page PLUS the date of the most recent updates near the bottom of each page. You cite this page (and all your sources) so a reader can return in order to check the accuracy of your work. |